'Mujahideen Killed' at 'Jail Run By Criminals'

How angry is the Muslim world about the prison at Guantanamo and the recent suicides of three of its inmates? According to this op-ed article from the usually U.S.-friendly Al-Seyassah, there were no suicides at Guantanamo, there were murders, and the prisoners were 'killed' because they were the most 'persistent and courageous in facing their jailers.'

By Mohammad Youssef Al Malifi

Translated By Nicolas Dagher

June 14, 2006
Kuwait - Al-Seyassah - Original Article (Arabic)    

En-route to Gitmo, 2002. (above)

BBC NEWS VIDEO: U.S. military lawyer says Guantanamo
military tribunals 'illigitimate,' June 13, 00:02:41RealVideo

RealVideo[SLIDE SHOW: Guantanamo].

'Bush's Puppet Arab Rulers' [Alquds, U.K.]. (below)

Processing Suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban Detainees
at Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, January 2002. (above).

C-SPAN VIDEO: President Bush at U.S.-E.U. Summit in Vienna,
defends himself and U.S. against critics, June 21, 00:37:44RealVideo

George W. Bush, Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuesse, center,
and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, right,
at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria, June 21. (below)


A few days ago the stench of a new American scandal began to circulate. At the worst prison in history, known as Guatanamo, the prison guards killed three of the mujahideen, and then wrongfully claimed that our mujahideen brothers committed suicide. Anyone with the slightest amount of religious faith and common sense knows the level of criminality to which America has fallen. But even after these deaths, we find that there are those [pro-American Muslims] who enjoy what is happening to the mujahideen at the hands of their [American] patrons. Be assured that God has promised those who pretend to be Muslim, and who in truth hate the idea of a rising Islam, will be punished before their [American] patrons are punished. In the Koran, it reads: "God has promised the hypocrites and infidels that they will face the fires of hell, and will be tormented there for eternity. God curses them that they will have eternal suffering."

A group of noble lawyers from our sister country Saudi Arabia have shown solidarity with the families of the martyrs, and have uncovered the hidden truth behind the deaths of those mujahideen in the prison of the criminals [Guantanamo]. The lawyers recount that the martyr Yasser Al Zahrani knew the entire Koran by heart and always provided guidance to his imprisoned brothers, calling them to be patient. Zahrani’s younger brother spoke to the Saudi press yesterday, and said:

"It is impossible that Yasser committed suicide, and if he did ever contemplate such a thing, he would have committed suicide at the beginning of his internment. Why would he commit suicide while continuously sending letters urging our parents to be patient regarding his absence?" He swears that his brother was killed.

The real story, which the criminals [that run] Guantanamo are trying to cover up, is that those three mujahideen were the most persistent and courageous in facing their jailers, and that there had been several clashes over their imprisonment. The last fight took place a few days ago, when hand-to-hand fighting erupted between the prisoners and their guards, which is when the three were killed. Having killed them, the Americans claimed that they had committed suicide using their bed sheets!!

Just look at the vile American lies! They hope that we are stupid enough to believe their damned lies concerning our mujahideen brothers and sons! The truth is that the fight which took place killed the three and that five other men are still recovering. Jihadi Web sites have reported the news, and by God they are thousands – millions of times more trustworthy than the lies of the Americans.

But let us for a moment suppose that the mujahideen actually did commit suicide in the prison run by those criminals. Doesn't that show the ugliness of the American values with which they claim to promote justice and dignity in other lands?! Why would a group of fine young men commit suicide in such a weak and sad fashion?

But the most despicable thing took place when the White House's brain trust began explaining to the world the suicide of the Muslim youths. Harry Harris, the admiral in charge of Guatanamo, said yesterday, "This suicide is not an act of despair … it was an act of asymmetric warfare against us."

Have those of you, who spend time with the nobility [pro-U.S. Muslim rulers], seen the level of irrelevancy with which those criminals treat our common sense, pride and lives! They view - when we take our own lives with bed sheets - as an offensive action and an unconventional war against America!

To those of you who spend time with the nobility [pro-U.S. Arab rulers]:

[Zapiro, South Africa]


I have sat with some great mujahideen who have returned from the American prison from hell and who have called the Americans insane. They told me some stories of the things that have happened to them in that prison. Unbelievably, this only served to fill their hearts with the faith and certainty of Allah.

I take this opportunity to offer my sincerest condolences to the parents of those three martyrs, and I remind all of those who follow the path of the prophets, messengers and good men with this saying from Allah's Holy Koran:

"If you are believers, do not be humiliated and do not be saddened. If you encounter hard times, know that other people will also encounter hard times and that God knows who has transgressed against you. God will know those who are faithful and will make them martyrs, God does not love the aggressors. God will reward the believers and crush the infidels."

O God, hasten the good times for our nation and relieve us of your enemies, and punish whoever desecrates the religion of this nation and whoever follows the infidels.

Amen, amen Almighty.


WindowsVideoAl-Jazeera TV, Qatar: Excerpts from a mock trial of U.S. President Bush, British PM Blair, and Israeli PM Sharon, staged by the Union of Arab Lawyers , Feb. 5, 00:08:49, Via MEMRI

"Their philosophy is based on the belief in superiority over the rest of mankind, on America's right to subjugate humanity, and to plunder its natural resources, and is based on America's opportunity to sit on [the throne] of the world, as an absolute dictator that has the right to annihilate whoever strives for freedom and dignity, and refuses to be a slave."

Convicted in Absentia ...

Arabic Version Below

في العمق

انتحار المجاهدين في سجون المجرمين..!

قبل أيام خلت فاحت رائحة فضيحة اميركية جديدة ..حيث قام السجانون بقتل ثلاثة من المجاهدين في ابشع سجن عرفه التاريخ والمشهور باسم سجن (غوانتنامو ) والان ..وبعد ان قتل اوغاد سجن غوانتناموا اخواننا المجاهدين هناك وادعوا زورا وبهتانا انهم انتحروا.. لم يتبق عند كل من له ادنى نصيب من الدين والمصداقية سوى ان يدرك مستوى الاجرام الذي باتت ترفل فيه اميركا..ولكن.. ومع هذا الذي حدث ما زلنا نجد من يتقول على المجاهدين بل ويتمتع ¯ قاتله الله واخزاه ¯ بمصابهم على يد اسياده.. وللعلم فلقد قدم الله وعيده للمنافقين الذين يدعون الاسلام وهم في حقيقتهم يكرهون ان تقوم للاسلام قائمة حقيقية ..قد توعد الله هؤلاء الممسوخين وبداهم بالوعيد والتهديد قبل اسيادهم.. قال الله تعالى مخاطبا اياهم (وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الْمُنَافِقِينَ وَالْمُنَافِقَاتِ وَالْكُفَّارَ نَارَ جَهَنَّمَ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا هِيَ حَسْبُهُمْ وَلَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُقِيمٌ)..

مجموعة من المحامين الفضلاء في شقيقتنا المملكة السعودية تضامنوا مع اهالي الشهداء , حيث كشفوا حقائق مغيبة عن القصة الحقيقية في موت هؤلاء المجاهدين في سجون المجرمين.. فمما يذكرونه عن الشهيد ياسر الزهراني انه من حفظة القران الكريم كاملا وانه كان من اكثر الشباب توجيها لاخوانه المعتقلين بالصبر والاحتساب..بل ان شقيق الزهراني الاصغر تحدث امس للصحافة السعودية قائلا : يستحيل ان ينتحر ياسر" ولو كان يفكر في ذلك لانتحر من بداية اعتقاله وكيف ينتحر وهو الذي كان يرسل لنا وباستمرار رسائل تتضمن الصبر لاهلنا على غيابه وهو يقسم انه مات مقتولا على يد سجانيه.

الرواية الحقيقة التي يسعى المجرمون في سجن غوانتنامو لاخفائها عن العالم هي ان هؤلاء الثلاثة كانوا من اشد المجاهدين عنادا وشجاعة في مواجهة سجانيهم..وقد حدثت عدة اشتباكات طيلة سجنهم.. واخرها ما حدث منذ ايام من اشتباك ساخن بالايدي بين السجناء والسجانين حيث قتلوا هؤلاء الثلاثة في الاشتباكات , وبعد ان قتلوهم ..ادعوا انهم انتحروا بمفارش السرير !! فتأملوا ابشع انواع الكذب الاميركي والذي يعتقدون اننا من السفاهة بمكان ان نسلم لهم باكاذيبهم اللعينة في حق اخواننا وابنائنا المؤمنين المجاهدين..وللعلم فان الاشتباك الذي وقع قد اسفر عن قتل هؤلاء الثلاثة وما زال خمسة اخرين من الشباب يعانون من جراح ذلك الاشتباك ..كما اوردت المواقع الجهادية الخبر والتي هي والله اصدق الف مليون مرة من اكاذيب هؤلاء .

لكننا لو سلمنا جدلا بان هؤلاء المجاهدين قد انتحروا بسجون هؤلاء المجرمين .. افلا يدل هذا على بشاعة القيم الاميركية التي تدعي نشر العدل والكرامة في الارض..!? لماذا يقدم مجموعة من الشباب الغض الطري على الانتحار وبهذه الطريقة المحزنة ?! العجيب حقا بل الحقارة الحقيقية تجلت عند مفكري البيت الابيض عندما اخذوا يحللون للعالم اسباب انتحار الشباب المسلم في سجونهم حيث قال بالامس الجنرال هاري هاريس قائد معتقل غوانتنامو : "ان هذا الانتحار ليس عملا ينم عن اليأس وانما هو حرب غير تقليدية يشنونها ضدنا"!

هل رأيتم يا معاشر السادة النبلاء الى اي مدى وصل الاستهتار في عقولنا وكرامتنا وحياتنا عند هؤلاء المجرمين! حيث انهم يرون قتل انفسنا بمفارش السرير عملا عدائيا وحرب غير تقليدية ضد اميركا..!

معاشر السادة النبلاء ..

لقد جلست كثيرا مع بعض المجاهدين العائدين من سجن الجحيم الامريكي والذي يسميهم احدهم بالمجانين , وقد اخبروني عن قصص واحداث وقعت لهم في هذا السجن الاميركي..لا يصدقها عقل ولا يصبر عليها الا من ملا الله قلبه بنور الايمان واليقين .. وانني في هذه العجالة اقدم احر التعازي لاهالي هؤلاء الشهداء الثلاثة واذكر كل السائرين على درب الانبياء والرسل والصديقين والصالحين بقوله تعالى (وَلا تَهِنُوا وَلا تَحْزَنُوا وَانْتُمُ الاعْلَوْنَ انْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ , انْ يَمْسَسْكُمْ قَرْحٌ فَقَدْ مَسَّ الْقَوْمَ قَرْحٌ مِثْلُهُ وَتِلْكَ الايَّامُ نُدَاوِلُهَا بَيْنَ النَّاسِ وَلِيَعْلَمَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ ءامَنُوا وَيَتَّخِذَ مِنْكُمْ شُهَدَاءَ وَاللَّهُ لا يُحِبُّ الظَّالِمِينَ, وَلِيُمَحِّصَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ ءامَنُوا وَيَمْحَقَ الْكَافِرِينَ.)

اللهم عجل لامتنا الفرج .. واشف صدورنا باعدائك ..وقيض لهذه الامة من يعز لها دينها ويذل به ملة الكفر واتباعهم ..امين امين يا رب العالمين.

* كاتب كويتي
