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Does the United States Want to Stay in Iraq?

American Occupation and Iraq's Government 'Thrive on Our Misery'

Iraq's government is so corrupt, that it couldn't possible exist without U.S. Troops. In this article from Iraq's Azzaman newspaper, the writer also argues that Iraq's government fears solving the nation's problems, because if it did, U.S. Forces would have to leave - driving these 'complete failures' from power.

By Ali al-Jaberi

August 9, 2005

Original Article (English)    

By any standards our government is a total failure. So what is it that prevents its collapse? In the first place, many question the belief that there is a functioning government in Iraq. After all, of there were responsible government, would it remain silent vis-à-vis the calamities that have descended upon the nation?

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: Iraq Unravels As Delegates Race to Finish New Constitution, August 8, 00:01:33

Iraq's al-Jaafari, 'Tragic Leader,' from Egypt's Al-Ahram

Nothing seems to function properly in Iraq and the government has no control whatsoever over the course of events. It cannot issue orders to U.S. troops who are in effect the real masters. In fact the government owes its existence to their presence. And because the government only feels safe as long as the troops are around, it apparently sees no reason to put its house in order, while the very purpose of having U.S. troops here is to do just that  - put OUR house in order.

Iraq's Prime Minister al-Jaafari

They have failed and there is no sign they will ever succeed.

The equation, many say, is crystal clear. The government is in urgent need of the occupation for protection. And despite the daily dose of tragedy faced by occupation forces, they are - in a way - happy with the status quo, because it gives them some form of legitimacy.

Therefore our prime minister and his ministers don’t care a whit about the way things are being run.  They don’t care if there is no electricity, and they no longer consider it their duty to have a functioning food rationing system to help millions of Iraqis make ends meet. The government ignores our calamities as though they are not of its making.

No minister has ever leveled with the Iraqi people and taken proper responsibility for his ministry’s performance or for the deterioration in public services. More than two years after the occupation, the Ministry of Oil cannot make enough fuel available, although we are the envy of the world for our oil riches.

In fact, we have become net fuel importers these past two years, wasting hundreds of millions dollars. Corruption and crime are on the rise and stories abound of senior officials giving contracts to front companies they have set up in Dubai, Beirut, London and other world capitals.

The spate of car bomb attacks, murders of innocent people and the spread of mafia-like gangs in our major cities are now fact of our daily lives. And while we bear the brunt of the chaos, many of our senior officials, including cabinet members and heads of political parties, either reside abroad or have their families settled in a foreign country.

There is none of the prosperity, equity and hope that the government promised upon taking office nearly five months ago. On the contrary, conditions have deteriorated beyond anyone’s expectations. But still these officials love their chairs and stick to their money-spinning posts.

This is why we have yet to see a minister with enough courage to resign in  protest over these conditions. The government and the league surrounding it know that they are complete failures, but have no intention of acknowledging the tragedy or the fiasco they have created for us.

A responsible government would have admitted its blunders, apologized to the Iraqi people and resigned to give way to more efficient leadership. But performance seems of little interest to our rulers. Prosperity, stability and security, once achieved, would undermine their true purpose.

Because if the bombs stop, food is made available, electricity returns, crime is checked and the country is back on its feet, the Iraqi people would then turn their attention to the most pressing issue - how to drive occupation troops out of the country.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that both the government and the occupation need each other, and that both thrive on our misery.


— Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar): Al-Qaeda's Second-in-Command, Ayman Al-Zawahiri Calls on Arabs to 'Prepare for Change,' Aug. 4, 00:01:11, MEMRI

"Victory comes at a price, since a dark destiny awaits us unless we resist."

Bin Laden Lieutenant, Ayman Al-Zawahiri

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