In Spite of Bush ...

The 'barbarism, arrogance and incompetence' of the Bush Administration has given Castro and Chavez the opportunity to exploit anger at the United States for their own 'backward' purposes. According to this op-ed article from Ecuador's El Universo, Latin Americans need to understand that 'Bush is not the United States,' and that despite the electoral error committed by the American people, that nation's institutions, and its commitment to free trade and limited government, are things that Latin America must emulate.

By Manuel Ignacio G¤mez Lecaro

November 10, 2005

Original Article (Spanish)    

'Mustachioed Hitlerite' Bush Poster

When Bush the son first became President and promised that Latin America would be a priority for his government, we wanted to believe him. But soon, Bush began to behave like Bush, with all the barbarism that such behavior implies. He invaded Iraq with Osama still alive and kicking. He opted to impose his will rather than create alliances and better integrate the international community, or Latin America. Thanks a lot, Mr. Bush.

Bush: An Exception that Proves the Rule?

Today we have witnessed the reappearance of the Latin American antiglobalists who are against free trade and against progress and who that think that the State, the authoritarianism and the repression of Cuba, is the future. There they were in Argentina, reunited wearing Che [Guavera] bandanas and singing Ïole, ole, ole Fidel.Ó They followed a slimmed-down Maradona who praises Fidel Cuba Ò and the fact is that Cuba is beautiful when youÌre not Cuban and when youÌre your name is Diego Armando [Maradana]. And there was Hugo, spitting out another of those speeches full of recycled patriotic phrases that are used to destroy countries.

The worrisome thing about these protests, to which we have become accustomed, is not just that people continue praising Fidel and buying the Populism of Chavez. What it of concern is that many of us are against Fidel, Chavez and company, but this time we partially supported the protests, because we are against Bush and the arrogance of his government. The Mustachioed Hitlerite that appeared on signs [See Photo] has done a very damaging thing. Bush and his disastrous government have managed to unite a diverse array of Latin American groups around the favored slogan at Mar Del Plata: Get Out Bush!

The antipathy that Bush arouses, combined with the opportunism and charisma of Chavez, has set back Latin American integration that will be very difficult to remedy in the short term. But now, what is important is that Latin America understands that Bush is not the United States. Bush is simply the eight-year slide of a strong and worthy nation that was mistaken when voting (doesnÌt this happen to all of us?). There is no need for Latin America to confuse the twisted international politics of Bush and Cheney with the positive ideals of ÏAmerica,Ó ideals which have made the institutions and society of the United States, in general, the example to follow. Chavez and Fidel saw the chance to take advantage of this hatred toward Bush to foment hatred toward the United States, and all the good things which that country represents. Latin America must not let itself be deceived.

Soccer Icon Diego Maradona: Latin America's Guiding Light?

With all of the evil Bush has done, his errors fail to even remotely approach the infamy of Fidel, who has transformed Cuba into a prison where the people are starving and hopeless. What a pity it is that Bush wasted the historic opportunity afforded by the September 11 attacks, when Latin America - and the world - stood together with the United States - to promote its virtues and walk toward an integrated Americas.

Cuba's Fidel Castro: Not an Example to Emulate

Hopefully, Latin America will see behind the incompetence of Bush and recognize that American institutions have a solid basis and are worthy imitation. That can see behind the charisma of Fidel and his imitators and recognize the suffering, the misery and the injustices that the Cuban people must endure.

It is to be hoped that Latin Americans understand that no nation has ever progressed by closing its borders. And that in spite of Bush, our escape from delay and poverty is integration, free trade and limited government, as the United States supports, and not in authoritarianism, protectionism and the State of Fidel, Chavez and, yes! Maradona.

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