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Bush Will Repent for His Comments About Islam

By likening Islamic radicalism to communism and fascism, President Bush has smeared one of the world's ‘a revealed religions' by comparing it to a ‘Godless man-conceived ideology.' According to this op-ed article the Pakistan Observer, ‘his hatred of Islam will dissipate with a fuller comprehension of its values and virtues.'


October 27, 2005

Original Article (English)    

U.S. President George W. Bush has likened Islamic radicalism to communism and fascism and said that it has ambitions of imperialism, although it claims to be in a battle against so-called imperialism. At a Washington function, he said that Islamic radicalism is a loose network of activists sharing an ideology and vision similar to that of communism.

Bush's statement represents a crude attempt to demonize Islam by equating it with Communism, utterly disregarding the inherent contradiction between the two. Islam is a revealed religion and it is here to stay for eternity, while Communism is a Godless man-conceived ideology that has perished from the pages of history. In fact, Islam is gaining popularity in Western societies because of its inherent strength, values and virtues, despite opposition by people like Bush. Opposition to Islam is contributing to growing Western interest in the universality of this great religion. Bush's labeling of Islamic extremism as imperialist is a new dimension of Islam bashing, and it exposes his hatred of this great religion and its followers. It's unfortunately just a continuation of his earlier campaign to equate Islam with terrorism.

Understandably, Bush is under great mental stress due to the worsening situation in Iraq and the rising number of U.S. casualties, and since he has failed so miserably to achieve the results he pledged to the American people he would achieve with the invasion. It is apparently due to this pressure that he is losing his sense of propriety and respect for Islam, which is a religion of peace, understanding, tolerance, forbearance and compassion. He is, in fact, blaming the failure of his foolish policies by calling the Iraqi fighters "Islamic radicals."  

Of late, he has been saying some very strange things, including that God told him to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. It is the world's great misfortune that today's lone superpower is led by a man like Bush. As the leader of the Christian superpower, he was expected to promote understanding between the revealed religions of Christianity and Islam. It is disgusting that he has instead opted to promote confrontation between them.

Islam abhors violence and terrorism and preaches peace and tolerance. The equating of Islam with terror and Communism is the brainchild of a very sick mind. We, therefore, venture to urge President Bush to shun his prejudice against Islam and try to understand its universal message with an open mind. We have no doubt that his hatred of Islam will dissipate with a fuller comprehension of its values and virtues.

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