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What God 'Forgot' to Tell Bush

While God was busy telling Bush to bring ‘freedom' to all those in the vicinity of major deposits of crude oil, he somehow failed to tell him to bring ‘freedom' to the starving people of North Korea, ruled by a godless regime openly building nuclear weapons. Is it possible, this op-ed article from Pakistan's PakTribune wonders, that Americans are unaware of the bloody history of politicians with a God-complex?

By Anwaar Hussain
October 10, 2005
Pakistan's Pak Tribune - Original Article (English)    

The current President of United States finds himself in God's company more often than any other modern American President.

One has been hearing about George Bush's close encounters with God for years now. We've all heard of how God talks to the President, giving him instructions on how to conduct foreign policy (particularly: which countries to invade). Quite evidently, President George W. Bush has done a good job following orders because he got himself reelected for a second term.

President Bush has never disputed the story, recounted in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz [CLICK to READ], that he himself told the Palestinian leadership, "God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam." Then we have a similar account, courtesy of The Globe and Mail, of the President telling the Canadian Prime Minister he was carrying out divine commands.

As recently as Wednesday September 21st, 2005, while speaking at a luncheon for the Republican Jewish Coalition's 20th Anniversary, Mr. Bush said that he had been "thinking a lot" and came to the conclusion that, "they [the terrorists] are the kind of people who look at Katrina and wish they had caused it." As there is no way of knowing what other people have in their minds, it can be safely assumed that it is once again God talking to President Bush.

There are a few objections your humble scribe has to these God-Bush Summit meetings.

Firstly, God doesn't seem to tell him the entire thing, only parts thereof.

Rita, Katrina, and George [From Alquds, U.A.E.]

In this latest case, for example, God apparently failed to inform him that countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Jordan, Yemen etc., otherwise known as “terrorist breeding grounds,” have offered hundreds of millions of dollars in aid and a wide range of other humanitarian assistance [to help with Katrina] – and with the full blessings of their peoples. God also forgot to tell him that Iran, his next axis-of-evil target, has offered to send 20 million barrels of crude oil. The U.S. State Department, however, which relies more on diplomatic correspondence that direct communication with the creator, these facts are known in great detail.

God also failed to mention to the President that while he was bogged down in Iraq, he would hit America with one terrible hurricane after another, and that the resultant damage will make impossible demands on the non-existent dinero in his treasury for rebuilding the Gulf Coast. Further, when God sent Hurricane Katrina, he didn't tell the President that it was not okay to play guitar and eat cake while people were drowning. Neither is God responsible for telling him to hire heck-of-a-job-Brownie two years earlier. [Ex-FEMA chief Michael Brown].

Secondly, and this is even more ironic, the President claims that all peoples worship the same God. He told the visiting leader of Turkey that they both believe in "the Almighty." Answering a British reporter's question about the God of Islam being the same as the God of Christianity, President Bush replied: "I believe we worship the same God." Then, in an October 26, 2004, Good Morning American interview with Charles Gibson, he was asked: "Do we all worship the same God, Christian and Muslim?" His reply: "I think we do."

If true, this means two things. One, President Bush, the Taliban and bin Laden & Co. all pray to the same God. Two, all the killing and dying is done in His name. The only difference is that George Bush strikes them in God's name and they retaliate in God's name. He invades their countries in God's name, they resist in God's name. He kills in God's name; they die in God's name. George Bush eliminates a few “terrorists” in God's name, countless more come forward to take their place in God's name. There are more “terrorists” now fighting America in God's name than there ever were at any point in time before.

If his God is different, then his God is unique. His God orders him to kill the children of other Gods. Especially, if those children are of a different hue and color and are found in the near vicinity of a liquid called oil. That, to say the least, is being very vengeful.

Next, President Bush's God doesn't forbid him from lying. That is very disturbing because one hears that God doesn't take kindly to liars. Take, for example, the case of Iraq War. God told him to make war on Iraq but forgot to tell him not to tell humongous lies in the process. Had He informed the President that lies don't travel far for the simple fact that they don't have legs, or had He shown the full future to the U.S. President, George Bush would have been saved the equally huge embarrassments of his own September 11 Commission, when it officially acknowledged that Iraq was not involved in the terrorist attacks on America, or the U.S. Military giving up its search for non-existent WMDs, and forcing him to shamefully shift to “freedom” as the current war cry.

He also didn't tell the President that his Iraq War is going to kill hundreds of thousands of God's other children, including thousands of newborns. God also didn't tell the President that his use of depleted Uranium in Iraq would cause the birth of hideously deformed babies - babies that were otherwise supposed to be the same God's most beautiful creations.

God didn't tell him that the Iraq War would be unwinnable, not only because the sandal-footed Iraqis would give his troops a sound beating but also because there would be no more moolah in the state exchequer to sustain the billion-dollar-a-week war.

The strangest aspect of George's communion with God remains the fact that he is always told to bring “freedom” to those of God's people who are in close vicinity of oil. He didn't tell him to strike the North Koreans, for example, whose rulers are not only Godless, but have repeatedly declared their WMD-building intentions and whose malnourished people are in the most urgent need of freedom.

No oil-President Bush's God isn't interested. Very ungodly, one must say. Unless in the Presidential lexicon God really is a code name for Halliburton, the Carlyle group, Enron, Betchel and Co. Then all these omissions and commissions during Presidential powwows with God become instantly clear.

But seriously, this President does say he talks to God on a regular basis, prays frequently and trusts the guidance that God gives him. This, apparently, would make him God's choice. So if President George Bush does really talk with God, and he really believes that he is on God's mission, then we are witnessing history being revealed by a almighty interpreter of Almighty God.

'God's Not Finished With Me Yet'

All this killing, all this bloodshed, all this rape, looting and plundering must be what God wants. God also, it appears, doesn't like the Iraqi people. First He sent Saddam to kill them in the thousands. Not satisfied, He next sent in George Bush to kill them in the hundreds of thousands. Is this why they say "Strange are God's ways?"

By all accounts, a huge 40% of Americans actually believe this cock-and-bull story of President George Bush's godly powwows. Are these Americans really so gullible? Do they not know that human history is replete with unhinged dictators with a God-complex, conceited leaders with a talent for exploitation, self-righteousness? Egotistical political elites and bigoted religious leaders who would go to any length to perpetuate their rule?

Do they need to be informed of the supporting cast of bloodsuckers, money grabbers and human lowlifes, who can put on a gaudy show full of sadism, trickery and revolting absurdity? Given a few moments at the center stage of the world, these charlatans are capable of destroying the lives of millions of individuals. Do they need reminders that when the curtain finally comes down on their hideous acts, the stage is invariably full of blood and gore with the dead never to rise again? Do they want to give these creatures more time?

Manuel Noriega, the Panamanian dictator and former American stooge, declined an interview on the grounds, as he put it in a letter to the interview seeker that he was by no means yet in the category of forgotten dictators. "God," he explained, "has not yet written the last word on Manuel A. Noriega!"

Even the devil, it seems, can quote scripture.


— DUBAI TV (UAE): Iraqi Broadcast That Seeks to Persuade People Not to Vote for the New Iraqi Constitution,' October 10, 00:01:39, MEMRI

"I don't accept the constitution because it was drafted by America, not by the Iraqi people."

The Fight for the Future of Iraq

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