PINOCHET ARRIVES IN HELL ..................................[MAIL & GUARDIAN, SOUTH AFRICA]

The Frontier Post, Pakistan
The Life of Augusto Pinochet: Lesson in Imperial Statecraft

He gave the world another lesson in what happens to local satraps when they don't dance to the tune of their foreign masters; and at who's behest these local rulers are expected to terrorize their own peoples.


December 12, 2006
Pakistan - Frontier Post - Home Page (English)    

Augusto Pinochet (seated above) after one of the
bloodiest coups in Latin American history in 1973.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: A look at the life of Augusto
Pinochet and the 1973 coup that brought him to power,
Dec. 12, 00:03:31

RealVideo[LATEST NEWS PHOTOS: Death of Pinochet].

President Salvadore Allende, before his downfall and 'suicide.'

Henry Kissinger: Master of Realpolitik over principle.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: A divided Chile hold funeral
service for Augusto Pinochet, Dec. 12, 00:01:41

Pinochet in his casket: Many wish him no peace in the next world.


Augusto Pinochet, formerly the long-serving Chilean dictator, has breathed his last. With his demise, an inglorious chapter in human history closes. His was a classic tale – being as he was the instrument of imperial change in Chile. His ascension in 1973 and the demise of Salvador Allende, the man he deposed – gave the world another lesson in what happens to local satraps when they don't dance to the tune of their foreign masters; and at who's behest these local rulers are expected to terrorize their own peoples.

Pinochet rose from the ranks of the Chilean army and caught the conspiratorial eye of the Americans, after Salvador Allende RealVideo swept Chile's 1973 presidential election. Allende's communist leanings didn't sit well with the Washington crowd, and although the Americans have never made a clean breast of it, evidence has never been in short supply that Washington aided and abetted the coup Pinochet and three other generals staged to oust and assassinate Allende RealVideo.

[Editor's Note: In 2000, the United States officially admitted for the first time, to CIA involvement in the ouster of Salvadore Allende. RealVideo For a list and overview of the declassified record, click here RealVideo].

Just as in recent times, the Americans wanted Palestinians to go to the polls - but not elect Hamas – in 1973 they wanted Chileans to hold elections but not choose Allende. Just as they and their European allies now punish Palestinians for defying their wishes, they went all out to roast Chileans on the spit for electing Allende, a man the U.S. hated to the bone.

As President Richard Nixon's secretary of state, Henry Kissinger infamously intoned, "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people." And America did not. With Washington's full support, throughout his 17-years of repressive rule, Pinochet mercilessly hounded Allende party activists, sympathizers and dissidents. And while the rest of the world labeled him a pariah for his massive killings, kidnappings and torture, the Americans stood by him unconscionably and without inhibition. The Americans turned a blind eye to the reign of terror he let loose on his people.

It was only after Chileans had lost all patience with his repression and domestic pressure against him became unbearable that the Americans abandoned him - just as they did their staunch ally the Shah of Iran RealVideo after the Islamic Revolution swept him off his throne. Even when the dethroned monarch desperately sought asylum, the Americans told him bluntly that he wasn't welcome in the United States. In like fashion, the Americans merely abandoned Pinochet to his inglorious past - one which they had had a big hand in. It was a legacy that haunted Pinochet every moment after he left office. Although not as painful as the brutalization he exercised over his own people, it was a legacy that punished him all the same.

Before laying down the baton, he had made himself Senator for life. But despite the lifetime immunity this conveyed, the gross human rights violations he perpetrated against his own people haunted him wherever he went. While visiting Britain, for example, a Spanish court sought his extradition to Spain to stand trial for human rights abuse.

Of course, due to his support during the Falklands War RealVideo, the British were quite lenient toward him. He was the only Latin American leader to side with Britain against Argentina. London found a way out to rebuff the Spanish request and sent him home safely. But at home there was no escaping the consequences of his brutal rule. Several court cases against his were underway in Chile. The courts had quashed his senatorial immunity, but he never actually stood trial. His lawyers managed to argue that he should be exempt due to old age, ill health and mental infirmity.

Pinochet did, however, manage to turn around Chile's sagging economy. But the beneficiaries of this economic miracle were the upper classes who now mourn his passing, not the lower classes which had only tasted the tyranny of his rule.

Such are the wages reaped by leaders that rule by trampling the civil liberties and political freedom of their peoples, and savage them at the bidding and for the pleasure - of alien masters.